Fertility Treatment Clinic in Mumbai, India

Fertility Treatment in India – A ray of hope for childless couples

Fertility Treatment in India is the treatments which help you in conceiving your own baby which is difficult for you to conceive naturally. If you are unable to conceive a baby after having an unprotected regular intercourse for 12 months or more than it’s a time for you to visit the best Fertility Clinic in Mumbai where the fertility experts and other professionals will properly examine both the partners and find out the exact cause of infertility and who is affected by that cause. After the examination, your fertility expert will suggest you the best Fertility Treatment in Mumbai which will fulfill all your dreams of having an own baby.

Types of Fertility Treatment in India

According to study, the single fertility treatment is not best for everyone, therefore the right Fertility Treatment in Indiafor you will depend on various circumstances such as your age, cause of fertility problem, your medical history etc. depending on these conditions your fertility expert will offer one of the following best Fertility Treatment in India which will help you in conceiving your own baby:

  1. a) In vitro fertilization (IVF):IVF is a procedure at Fertility Clinic in India where your fertility expert will collect the eggs from your ovaries and mix them with the sperm of your husband to facilitate fertilization and once the fertilization is completed your embryologist will place the resulted embryo into your uterus to establish the successful pregnancy.
  2. b) Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI):ICSI is a procedure where your fertility expert at Fertility Clinic in India will directly inject a single sperm into each egg to fertilize it and after the fertilization; your embryologist will transfer the egg into your uterus.
  3. c) Intrauterine insemination (IUI): IUI is a procedure atFertility Clinic in Indiawhere your fertility expert will select the best quality of the sperms before your treatment begins and later on they insert the sperm into your uterus at your most fertile time, which is when an ovary releases the egg.
  4. d) Egg Donation:Egg donation is the procedure at Fertility Clinic in India where your fertility expert will borrow the eggs from other woman and fertilized them with the sperm of your husband or donor sperm. Once the fertilization occurred your embryologist will place the resulted embryo into your uterus to establish the successful pregnancy.
  5. e) Surrogacy:At Fertility Clinic in India, Surrogacy procedure is of two types (i) Gestational and (ii) Traditional.

(i)    Gestational surrogacy where your fertility expert will use your eggs and your husband sperm to fertilize the egg and the resulted embryo will be placed into the uterus of the gestational surrogate.

(ii)    Traditional surrogacy where your fertility expert will artificially inseminate the eggs of the surrogate or egg donor with the sperm of your husband or donor sperm to facilitate fertilization and will place the resulted embryo into the uterus of the traditional surrogate.

Fertility Clinic in Mumbai – Where dream turn into reality


Fertility Clinic in Mumbai offers the best Fertility Treatment in Mumbai for all couples who have been struggling from a long period of time to conceive a baby. The Fertility Clinic in Mumbai uses the latest and advanced technologies to treat the complex as well as rare cases of infertility. They have achieved the highest success rate of pregnancy for the women under age of 35 years which is around 65-75% and also by using their advanced procedures in the field of fertility management they make the pregnancy possible for the women over the age of 40 years.

Why people choose Fertility Clinic in Mumbai?

The people choose Fertility Clinic in Mumbai because it offers the best-quality treatment to all patients across the globe at low-cost. Low-cost Fertility Treatment in Mumbai does not means that they compromise with the quality of the treatment. They offer the same international quality of the treatment to all their patients across the globe and also by offering the low-cost Fertility Treatment in Mumbai the aim of the fertility experts here is that every individual enjoy their parenthood happily with their own baby and for this the fertility experts in Mumbai has come forward to offer the low-cost Fertility Treatment in Mumbai. The fertility experts in Mumbai also not charge high for their services as compared to other Fertility Clinic in India. The medications are also very cheap in Mumbai and this is also one of the reasons that people travel Mumbai to have their Fertility Treatment in India.

The another reason that people travel to Mumbai is that the Fertility Clinic in Mumbai offers the various ranges of fertility treatments such as IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, Egg Donation, Male Infertility, Fibroids, Laser Assisted Hatching, Egg Freezing, Embryo Freezing, PGD, FET and much more under one roof and that too at reasonable cost for all the patients without biasing between poor, payee or needy people. In case one fertility treatment will not give you the successful outcome then your fertility expert will offer you the other best fertility treatment which gives you the successful outcome and fulfills your dream of having your own baby. They will not take rest till the time they deliver you a healthy baby.

Vision of Fertility Clinic

The aim of the Fertility Clinic in Mumbai is to focus on maximizing your chances of successful pregnancy by reducing the cost of the fertility treatment and also aim at to see your smiling face when you leave the Fertility Clinic in Mumbai.

Mission of Fertility Clinic

The mission of Fertility Clinic in Mumbai is to offer you the best personal and medical care throughout your journey and also offer you the pleasant and comfortable stay during your entire procedure of Fertility Treatment in Mumbai.

Success Rate

The success rate of Fertility Clinic in Mumbai for taking the baby home is around 65-75% which is quite high as compare to other Fertility Clinic in India.

Source: http://ivfclinicsinindia.blogspot.in/2017/06/fertility-clinic-in-mumbai-where-dream.html